Clerodendrum serratum (L.) Moon

Field Museum of Natural History
Soejarto, et al. 10403
Clerodendrum serratum (L.) Moon
DET. N.M. Cuong, 3/21/2000
University of Illinois at Chicago
Clerodendran? Gmelina?
Del. Bp
Field Char: Tree 15 m tall, dbh 30 cm; bark gray,
smooth; trunk of tree with dome-shaped
excrescences, but branches without; flower
bracts light green; fruits glossy dark green,
with light green persistent calyx.
Locality: Vietnam: Ninh Binh Province, Cue
Phuong National Park. CP5: Bong, helipad, 250 m
SE of helipad.
Habitat: Valley forest with a 30 m canopy;
limestone hill.
330 m, 20°21.00'N X 105°35.77E
D.D. Soejarto, N.T, Hiep, T.H. Hoang, N.M. Cuong
10403, November 23,1998
This is a voucher specimen for pharmaceutical screening.
ICBG sample numbers: S23, S24, S25.
Collected under the sponsorship of: ICBG Project,
University of Illinois at Chicago, Field Museum of Natural History,
and National Center for Science and Technology, Hanoi, Vietnam.
Please notify the Field Museum Herbarium of any new
determination of this collection, specifying that it is a
University of Illinois at Chicago voucher.