Dianthus armeria subsp. armeria

  • Filed As

    Dianthus armeria subsp. armeria

  • Identifiers

    NY Barcode: 05122564

    Occurrence ID: cd4a953b-f15c-4ac8-a04d-7af30c537ddc

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Flora of the Ward Pound Ridge Reservation
Dianthus armeria L. ssp. armeria
Det., Patricia Butter, 12 October 2022
United States of America. New York: Westchester County. Town of
Pound Ridge. Ward Pound Ridge Reservation. Meadow on Pell Hill, 23
meters north of Pell Hill Road, 230 meters east of Trailside Nature
Museum, lat. 41.2576848°, Ion. -73.5858860° (WGS 84, ± 5m), ca 155 m
elev. Dry, upland meadow, along edges of mowed area, with Desmodium
marilandicum, Tridens flavus, and Celastrus orbiculatus.
Rare. Flowers pink.
Photographs of plant and habitat uploaded to iNaturalist
Patricia Butter, Hayley Lewis, Brendan Wallace 677	12	OCT 2022
Project funded by the Friends of Trailside Museum