Melilotus indicus (L.) All.

San Jacinto I Santa Rosa Mtns., Riverside Co., CatfL USA
Melilotus indicus (L.) All.
Northwestern foothills; POTRERO CANYON area. California
Dept of Fish & Wildlife San Jacinto Wildlife Area, Potrero
Canyon Unit, between Highland Springs Road access gate and
the top of Massacre Canyon. Broad valley of alluvial and
sedimentary substrates, with incised active stream channel,
landscape of invasive annual grassland and riparian corridor.
Annual, fis yellow. Common in a roadside patch near stream
crossing, probably occurs throughout channel,
San Jacinto quad T3S / R1WIS 25, 26; T4S / R1W / S 3, 4
1900-2400 ft (580-730 m) ca 33° 51-53* N 116° 56-59’W
Scott D. White 14066 (6 replicates total) 26 Mar 2022
Bill LaHaye