Chomelia brachypoda Donn.Sm.

Rubi aceae
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Det. C.M. Taylor 2005
Missouri Botanical Garden Herbarium (MO)
Determined by	'ce.Xo	Gtan^wa	^NptA\v^Z.
Plants of Chiapas, Mexico
<f Anisomeris brachypgda (Donn. Sjn,)
Shrub 15 feet tall*	,	«	*	'
Slopes with Montane Rain Forest,‘Lfguid-
ambar, Magnolia, Voychisia, east of
Laguna Tzikaw, Monte Bello National Park*
Municipio of La Trinitaria.
Elevation 1300 m
Missouri Botanical Garden
D. E. Breedlove 296 31
R.L. Dressier
16 November 1972