Chomelia boliviana Standl.

Rubiaceae Chomelia boliviana Standi.
det. M. Nee, 2006
Depto. SANTA Cruz, Prov. IbáÑEZ, 2 km SW of natural
gas piati, 4.3 km by road NW of bridge over Río Pirai near
La Bélgica.
17°32’23”S, 63°16’18”W. alt. 370m.
“Cerrado” vegetation of short woodland and grassy savanas
on slightly rolling terrain, with evidence of fires; soil sandy.
With Acrocomia aculeata, Curatella americana, Miconia
molybdea, Mectandra hihua, Persea caerulea, Linociera
hassleriana, Tocoyena formosa, Chomelia boliviana,
Taccarum weddelianum, Elionurus muticus, Piper
The New York Botanical Garden
Plants of BOLIVIA
Shrub 4 m. fall, 15 cm. in diameter. Fruit immature, green.
Another plant seen in vicinity, with very narrowly tubular
white corollas.
Coll.: M. Nee 53601
2 Dec. 2005