Ligustrum robustum (Roxb.) Blume
Filed As
Ligustrum robustum (Roxb.) Blume -
NY Barcode: 05120734
Occurrence ID: 278cb970-f9e2-499f-ba1a-dfa9c7823e39
All Determinations
Location Notes
[Tropical Asia]
JJoi ifìs BOTANICAL s?ARD6^ NEW YORK BOTANICAL GARDEN M QUEEN SIRIKIT BOTANIC GARDEN HERBARIUM (QBG) tJflj) MINISTRY OF NATURAL RESOURCES AND ENVIRONMENT FLORA OF MYANMAR Family OLEACEAE Botanical name Ligustrum robustum (Roxb.) Blume QBG No. 80447 Â Local name Locality Coordinate Bote Collector Det. Pin Sein Pin Village, Pindaya Township, Shan State Province 20a 59' 01.73” N, 96° 37' 56.07” E Alt. ca. 1,714 m. Hill evergreen forest Forest edge. Shrub, ca. 3 m high. Fruits ¡pssR P. Srisanga, M. Norsaengsri, W. La-ongsri & Win Win Date 14122014 Nwe Ml-262 Prachaya Srisanga Date 962016 05120734 Specimen type ? Carpological ? Alcohol ? Ale. only ? Living ? Photo ? DNA Ex Queen Botanic Garden Herbarium (QBG) 05120734
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Ligustrum robustum (Roxb.) Blume