Carex umbellata Schkuhr

Plants of dM&M) USA (JIB),
Arkansas (RfUfeW), Baxter County (Baxter Hr)
44: Carex umbellata Schkuhr.
(Determined by): Philip E. Hyatt (fSftffWili)
iife/St Along Ozark Highlands Trail (also known as
David’i Tliil) along Lake Norfork, parallel to old
road for ferry going north across lake prior to bridge
Upland hardwoods on eherty soil.
Common; in my opinion this species inhabits
more acres in Arkansas than any other Cmex species.
Philip E. Hyatt
0 ffl: 2009  04  20 0 (April 20,2019)
S, 57	0	(my	57th	birthday!) !