Callitriche papuana Merr. & L.M.Perry
Filed As
Callitriche papuana Merr. & L.M.Perry -
NY Barcode: 04761622
Occurrence ID: da3c0b34-42af-4f15-97f2-0f6e9bb56a6f
All Determinations
Location Notes
Collector’s No.. À 7.7// Flora of Papua. Collected on the Archbold Expedition by L. J. Brass, Botanical Name Common Name........................................... Locality ..................................... Habitat. t/£... £?..™ j - Altitude..,..../7.77AQ...£:...............Occurrence. NEW YORK BOTANICAL GARDEN 04761622 CJikcL AMu«4*/4t S- LA&*7 20 4f PftC- nH I Plants of Papua (British New Guinea) collected by the 1933 New Guinea Expedition of The American Museum of Natural History, Mr. Richard Archbold, Leader. Distributed by The New York Botanical Garden No. 4774 L. J. Brass June-Sept., 1933 J, fy-V Isolated large pertches rooting in the gravel ly bed of Ero Creefc; alt.a840oa*; bright green* Murray Pass, Wharton Range, Central Division 04761622
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Callitriche papuana Merr. & L.M.Perry