Callitriche ecarinata Lansdown & Hassemer
Filed As
Callitriche ecarinata Lansdown & Hassemer -
NY Barcode: 04761574
Occurrence ID: e1f56ffe-9d53-4524-ba79-a022cde4f392
All Determinations
Location Notes
[South America]; [Map associated with specimen]
Chúñele gcaciAaÁ* LoaíÍp&a i timi. The New York Botanical Garden da Ili+ncU LO.../.?........ Sm Karl A. l/irtce/A 2-9 May YOf?s BOTANICAL CAROe/ NEW YORK BOTANICAL GARDEN 04761574 Colombia DPTO. MAGDALENA 11°N. Valley of Rio Guiachinacopunameina (73°40w, 10°44-45n), in a Bosque Pluvial Montano/ Paramo Pluvial Subalpino transition zone with approx. 2000mm/year rainfall. Alt. 350Q-4000m. No. 6j52, Hay 28, 1977 Coll.: Starker White and W.S. Alverson No* 632‘ Sc ’ LL-L, VactvHco. Small semi-aquatic herb. Trailing stems of vallev OI*i’°n SUrfaCe 0f “ck « center of valley Perms mats. Lvs. small, green filmed Siamen"’ “iUAiy »/ Darts i°an i* ?8en °n some of the upper parts. A part of the plant w/ a yellow Ira S6en iD the 3x113 of ether J?; lhls ls perhaps a female part., or the Seennlv in“6 °f a" Unextended filament. onl ln °ne patch in valley. 04761574
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Callitriche ecarinata Lansdown & Hassemer