Ligusticum alpinum (Ledeb.) Kurtz
Filed As
Ligusticum alpinum (Ledeb.) Kurtz -
NY Barcode: 5107353
Occurrence ID: 6a506366-d759-4e54-9704-535542201eba
All Determinations
Location Notes
[Northern Asia]; [Map associated with specimen]
MA3 PLANTAE VASCULARES ORIENTIS EXTREMI ROSSICI (VLA) FLORA EXSICCATA 600 a. Pachypleurum alpinum Ledeb. Cf. HFR, supra n 5736, 6039 Pimenov, 1987, PL Vase., 2:2371 Kamchatskiy region, Karaginskiy district, W macroslope of Vysokaya mountain, stony slope, frequent Leg. S.Kharkevich, T.Buch Det. S.Kharkevich 1976 VIII 22 05107353
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Ligusticum alpinum (Ledeb.) Kurtz