Picea abies (L.) H.Karst.

Pinaceae Picea abies (L.) Karst
det M. Nee, 2019
WISCONSIN: Grant Co.. DNR Millville Unit, NW side of
Hvvy. C.
43°02,25”N, 90°55,15”W. alt. 320 m.
T 7 N; R 5 W; SW^NW'/* sect 36.
Undoubtedly planted. Tall tree 70 cm. in diameter, at old
farmstead (with buildings removed) and now an open field
with Bromus inermis and scattered young Juglctns nigra
invading. Wood specimen from living, lower, horizontal
branch with upward arching tip and hanging branchlets; this
branch 8 cm. in diameter, 60 years old or a little more, the
growth rings irregular and hard to count. Voucher for wood
specimens at Kw, I wJUADw. MFXIIw. RSAw The
{.terminal twigs on ascending ends of branefie|>are more robust
stiller and more glaucous than those on the hanging branchlets.
Lowest branches are accessible to white tail deer (Oidecoleus
virginiana) and have been heavily browsed. Remnants of
pollen cones old and dry. Old cones from beneath this, the only
tree of this species here.
Coll.: M. H. Nee 65342	6	Aug.	2019
Missouri Botanical Garden (MO)