Tournefortia argentea L.f.

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Muuiiui urrinnlfM i argentea foi-?)? iTnhnnt.
Det. F.R.F.
locality Eniwetok Atoll, lgurin Island.
C Habitat coral Jind flats toward inner beach, changing to broken coral rock
toward outer; vegetation basically a dense brushy forest from 2 to
* 5 m. tall, mostly Scaevola, with Guettarda fairly common, Pisonia
in mam wooded area; planted to coconuts. Common, especially
t5#l * along outer edges of vegetation.
£ Date	May 14, 1946	Altitude 1-3 m.	(estimated)
Coll. F. R. Fosberg No. 24315
Remarks free 5 m. tall (others even taller); leaves
silvery green, fleshy; flowest white, fragrant«
. Y I ^ U.S.C.C. Economic Survey of Micronesia	*