Microula pseudotrichocarpa var. pseudotrichocarpa
Filed As
Microula pseudotrichocarpa var. pseudotrichocarpa -
NY Barcode: 05105792
Occurrence ID: 18aacfea-e2c0-46b8-ab81-3abdf57e5169
All Determinations
Location Notes
[Northern Asia]
Plants of China Boraginaceae Microula pseudotrichocarpa W. T. Wang var. pseudotrichocarpa Det, W. T. Wang, Jnl 2011 Xizang (Tibet) Province, Zuogong (Zogang) Xian: S of the city of Zuogong along the Yu Qu (Yu River; often Yuqu He on Chinese maps) on road Y563 at kilometer marker 19.29°30'2"N, 97°56'7"E; 3670 m. Remnant Picea-Juniperus woodland with few trees of Picea and slightly more trees of Juniperus remaining. Rocky slope, meadows and steep, sparsely wooded slope above river. All areas showing influence of humans and grazing animals. Rocky slope and at base of shrubs in moist soil in meadow and in open. Corolla blue, white in center. DNA material available. D. E. Boufford, B. Bartholomew, D. A. Eaton, X. H, Li, R. H. Ree B. Xu, J. P. Yue, J. W. Zhang & X. X. Zhu 40763 18 July 2009 Harvard University Herbaria 05105792
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Microula pseudotrichocarpa var. pseudotrichocarpa