Microula pseudotrichocarpa var. pseudotrichocarpa
Filed As
Microula pseudotrichocarpa var. pseudotrichocarpa -
NY Barcode: 05105793
Occurrence ID: 14414eba-cb04-419c-9210-2253d8458a6a
All Determinations
Location Notes
[Northern Asia]
Plants of China Boraginaceae Microula pseudotrichocarpa W. T. Wang var. pseudotrichocarpa Pit W. T. Wang, Jul 2011 Xizang (Tibet) Province, Changdu (Chamdo) Xian: Road (highway 317) from Changdu (Chamdo) to Jiangda (Gyamda), along Zha Qu (Zha River), a tributary of the Lancang Jiang (Mekong River), N of the town of Toba near village of Suijiewa. 31°24'21"N, 97°28'19,'E; 3700-3900 m. Picea forests on slopes with Spiraea, Cotoneaster, Potentilla glabra and Ribes; wet meadow-like areas, periodically flooded depressions and Hippophae communities along river. More or less open areas in muddy-sandy soil. Plants erect; corolla blue, yellow in center. D. E. Boufford, B. Bartholomew, D. A. Eaton, X. H. Li, R. H. Ree, B. Xu, J. P. Yue, IW. Zhang & X. X. Zhu 41.m$ July 2009 Harvard University Herbaria 05105793
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Microula pseudotrichocarpa var. pseudotrichocarpa