Heliotropium anomalum var. argenteum A.Gray
Filed As
Heliotropium anomalum var. argenteum A.Gray -
NY Barcode: 5105420
Occurrence ID: f24d5a13-06c1-4e6d-8fa7-d7e5b7e02776
All Determinations
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troplam aattnalBB» X«a «otoctog m a H&mitaa Floro, jvlsttBi looee-leaf page8 of il- ' lustrateli plani deanripiicets Jait aa sooa» m 1 «a crt 1é» mpr 1Ub8 trailoass sitiA# and «amit fmn ta pay » parlai«* io jebrt then. In 198 ©r co wtee yon and X «ere boto ai thè H.Y.Bot. Garden and ooeosianally eating otar lonches tosetoer la a Utile mtaonal, X studied H. anmaS Sh© reulte .barro Iseen ^tug flUw (tal io ih« ensene© of aaa illiiatietltü lee, feoMarcar, X iwn> od» ob hard aaft, «ito fonda*jU8t amal tì» come vaa aboui ready io gei thlngs Ssto shape «al por tot Hw piatti, la yon ere a speciali st «n feto estire ¿jrotip, X prafer yoa to go aheK trito toa satire B,,tooatog me toe Ught ef day reg&rdlng li enfi, sartas ate frcm ffelliag Saie a posatile pitfsll, Theo X «Ül piede up yaar fina«» inga müincorporate tona to ray Flora la ter, £ Endosod ara coplea of oy anelasi aotee rojerfllnf toa piato and af a aeaerlpii<as,ltafeMk, Sf X remartbar eorreetly, largely freo a Urlas cp«el een, X atoe tora a Usa Araslsg of toe Has, feria. Flesse ral» «hatever use .pn «a of tota material * li toaa sto aneast to asto • asft. If jfe «Sto,’ largar» ay dnorlng. fhas please eesd me a repto#* of naUapi whereupoQ X aaa follai yeur leed asi fatai toa piasi to «qr Flore Ha». . «libasi rlsktog toe Moocoiy of repeìsttog a eorreoted aeooust and . losing about $15.00 by it. "? ;? j l oa taMng toe Ubeyty of matUng yen. oy. H. and tay dxuetag o® loas aa «all as to» .yatarteBa introttneed «o» * tofet X reufl Uloa ertameli totototo. Do sto botosr to rators toe Setter to se. PLANTS OF HAWAII EX HERBARIUM OTTO DEGENER Collected by OTTO DEGENER (Many piante described to “Pianta Haw. Nat. Park” and to new illustrated “Flora Hawaiiensia” by Otto Degener, Honolulu, T. H.) Kit Heilotropium anomalum var* argenteras Ae Gray Verified by H. N. Moleenke May, 1962 05105420
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Heliotropium anomalum var. argenteum A.Gray