Echium angustifolium Mill.

Sniversìtatis flebraicae Hierosolymitanae b’Veht rnarn no’tna’nsn
divisio botanica	njvusia1?	rtp^no
Kora paiaestihae exsiccata Vx-iw’-pix ’nas
371. Echium angustifolium Mill.
Card. Diet. ed. VIII No. 6 (1768).
Phytogeogr. value: A South-Mediterranean species,
penetrating into the Irano-Turanian region.
The distributional area of this species is not quite clear to us,
because of the unreliability of the relevant data. In Palestine it
occurs chiefly in the Irano-Turanian territories and in the light
soil belt of the coastal plain, which is rich in species penetrating
from the steppe and desert regions. Some of the associations in
which it is a member may be recorded: Eragrostis bipinnata-Cent-
aurea procurrens, Phlometum brachyodontis, Poterietum spirmà
Tel-Aviv, sandy soil, 5. V. 1935.