Carmona retusa (Vahl) Masam.

Collector's No. .  ¿tez
Flora of Papua.
Collected on the Arch bold Expedition by L. J. Brass.
Botanical Name...
i Common Name.:.
iMcaUty^j^/TO/fy^	.
AliiiuAm SO	 Occurrence......
jaÆamâ. psjL-áL S-^y.t S+7/m...------------------------------.....,.—..r.	J	•
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Carmona retusa (Vahl.) Masamune
Determined by James S. Miller 1987
Missouri Botanical Garden
ife*	’
Plants of Papua (British New Guinea) collected by the
1033 New Guinea Expedition of The American Museum of
Natural History, Mr. Richard Archbold, Leader.
Distributed by The New York Botanical Garden
No. 0739 L. J. Brass
April, 1933
Common; bruohy rain forasi; alt« 30 m,; »trag-
gling ohrub up io 3 m« tali; uppsrsido of leaves
ocabrous à shining, lavar palar; fio* whita; fr,
18?^, H^o*District, Central Division