Polemonium schmidtii Klokov

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International Sakhalin Island Project 2003
Polemonium schmidtii Klok.	Polemoniaceae
Det. by Ben Legler, 5 Nov 2003
Russian Federation, Sakhalin Region:
Sakhalin Island, northern part; ca 60 km north of Nogliki and 4
km west of Val, on shore of Lake Rybnoye.
15m/49ft.; 52° 21' 16.98” N, 143° 00’ 29.52” E
Mix of open boreal Larix forest and extensive sphagnum bogs,
with old non-forested bums on drier sandy uplands.
Corolla blue; growing in sphagnum mats.
Ben Legler, 1115
4 Aug 2003
(WTU Database #4270WTU)