Merremia umbellata var. orientalis Hallier f.
Filed As
Merremia umbellata var. orientalis Hallier f. -
NY Barcode: 5100829
Occurrence ID: 1be07143-6eec-42ac-9795-e6d8c9940622
All Determinations
Location Notes
[Northern Asia]
Herb No. ?Ä+ÄWÄR ñ fe» Herbarium of ? the Metropolitan Museum of Natural History^ Academia Sinica, Nanking, China. .lÿ __ % s h p ff « FIOR4 op KWANGS! í*caa&f »»to ®*aa»W*Bo«Ä ip^aœo ***§>? Habitai' ? , '<•*• •> " • JB. * a * to thietot* ffabitMù'- / . ? , . ?- .. "ÍZÍ , « S* ei*«te*r I HrfiAr % & : # i «t üf .!§ ft* FM* Bar* | . Branches Ftowen ^ten É rwxy ÍÉÉÉñ% climlMpr #» R. G. ëüm£m 74Ä1 Date fWO. : Ä - > 0 F 8«p1^»Í5ikÍ^Sáé Namf I F * éhSHB NEW YORK BOTANICAL GARDEN Merremia umbellata (L.) Halt f. ***? C. W. Staples fi-»*«.) 0 De,: <«i ~prrr t««e cs-6 1/71 FLORIDA ATLANTIC UNIVERSITY HERBARIUM y^sy- HERBARIUM OF THE NEW YORK BOTANICAL GARDEN ?B Plants of I ?f 05100829 mmm FLORA OF KWANGSI PROVINCE, CHINA Ex the Herbarium of the Metropolitan Museum of Natural History Nanking, China 05100829
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Merremia umbellata var. orientalis Hallier f.