Cyanea duvalliorum Lammers & H.Oppenh.

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    Cyanea duvalliorum Lammers & H.Oppenh.

  • Identifiers

    NY Barcode: 05088771

    Occurrence ID: 58aaf9fb-15f0-476c-839d-6d2a214a6c10

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Cyanea duvaUiorum Lammers & H. Oppenh.,
Novon 14: 89 (23 Mar 2004).
verified by: Thomas G. Lammers (OSH)
26 April 2004

District, Ha iku Uka, Ko‘olau F. R., Wai‘ohiwi Stream,
2800 ft. Growing on very steep to gentle slopes and
along small gully in dense to open shade, area is
surrounded by historic forestry plantings, mostly of
Eucalyptus. Approximately 50+ adults observed, many
more seedlings and juveniles. Coordinates: 20°50' 05"
N, 156° 15' 55" W.
Vegetation: remnant Acacia koa / Metrosideros polymorpha
mesie forest w/ Melicope molokaiensis, Antidesma platyphyllum
var. platyphyllum, Cheirodendron trigynum subsp. trigynum,
Psychotria mariniana, Broussaisia arguta, Cyrtandra grayi,
Freycinetia arbórea, Perrottetia sandwicensis, Clermontia
kakeana, Diplazium sandwichianum, Microlepia strigosa,
Asplenium nórmale, A. contiguum, A. horridum, Huperzia erosa,
Adenophorus tamariscinus, Vandenboschia cyrtotheca,
Notkoperane ma rubiginosa, Peperomia spp.
Threats: feral pigs, cattle, rats, Setaria palmifolia, Rubus argutus,
Hedychium gardnerianum, Cinchona pubescens, Tibouchina
herbácea, Cyathea cooperi.
Branched or unbranched trees to 20 ft w/ armed trunks
and white latex. Mature fruits bright orange, mostly
along trunk below the leaves. Leaves dimorphic from
juvenile to adult.
1 January 2000
Hank Oppenheimer #H10003
Marita Lewis, Fem Duvall & Renate Gassman-Duvall