Strychnos axillaris Colebr.

Bukit Raya Expedition
Nooteboom no.: 4053
da«: 26-11-1982
Fam Loganiaceae
Nom Stryekos axillaris Colebr.
Locality: Borneo, Bukit Raya,
112° 45'E 0° 45 s
A]l_ c. 130 m.
Habitat, in prim* Dipterocarppforest
Herbarium Bogoriense, LBN-LIPI (Indonesia), and Rijksherbarium
(the Netherlands) joint expedition financed by WOTRO, the Minister of
Education of the Netherlands, and the Rijksuniversiteit Leiden.
Participants: H.P. Nooteboom (leader), A,Brader, J. Mogea, R.A.A Olde-
man, I.G.M. Tantra, I.F. Veldkamp, W.J.J.O. de Wilde. H. Wiriadinata.
First sets to: L, BO.