Diospyros ferrea (Willd.) Bakh.

University of Illinois at Chicago
Pi'ospyros -fcrirtjK	¿faffUJ* J
Det. By:	ZT4 f{	$ \J~******ry l4T\t f
Field Char: Lower canopy tree 12 m tall, dbh 15 cm; bark
gray-black, irregularly cracked; slash reddish
brown; fruits yellowish green, turning yellow
then deep reddish brown.
Locality: Laos, Prefecture of Vientiane, Sikhot Tabong
District, Ban Ang Nhai, mountains north of village.
Habitat: Mountain slopes, remnants of primary forest
with bamboos of different species and sizes.
A primary forest 20-30 years previously.
400-475 m,18 °24’ 9N" x 102°22' 20" E
D. D. Soejarto, K. Sydara 10852, July 8, 1999
This is a voucher specimen for pharmacological screening.
NCI Sample Numbers): 0GHA1332-L , OGHA1333-M.
Collected under the sponsorship of:U.S. National Cancer Institute,
University of Illinois at Chicago, Field Museum of Natural History
and Traditional Medicine Research Center.
Please notify Field Museum Herbarium of any new determination of this
collection, specifying that it is a University of Illinois at Chicago voucher.