Duabanga grandiflora Walp.

University of Illinois at Chicago
Genus I Duabanga
Species: grandiflora
Authority: rftoKK DC.) W*p.
Family: Sonneratiaceae
Det. By:
Field Chri Tree 15 m tail, flowers white, fruits green.
Notes: Common.
Locality: Thailand: Surat Thani, road to Takua Pa, between Takun
and Khao Sok National Park«
Habitat: Cleared land along roadside, edge of dry evergreen forest.
Alt.: 50 m Geogr. Coord.1 9 N X 98 30 E
Coll.: D.D.Soejarto,T.Santisuk,K.Taylor,N.Nantasan*
No.i 5892 Coll. Date: April 5, 1987
This is a voucher specimen for anticancer and antiAIDS screening.
NCI Sample Number: Q6600770-Wr Q66O0821-C, Q66O0879-Q.
Collected under contract to: U.S. National Cancer Institute,
University of Illinois at Chicago, Arnold Arboretum (Harvard
University), and Field Museum of Natural History (Chicago).