Solanum rhamphidacanthum Bitter

The New York botanical Garden
det: M. Nee, 2007
Flora of Acre, Brazil
The New York Botanical Garden
Universidade Federal do Acre
No. 9975	Solanaceae
Brazil. Acre, Mun. Santa Rosa: Rio Purus, left bank,
Seringal Santa Helena, ca. 9°07’49.5"S, 70°10’37.3"W.
Forest at edge of cultivated field.
Vine 4 m in tree, near edge of cultivated field, flowers
pendent, corolla pale dull green, anthers yellow but turning
red after dehiscence, fruits immature, globose.
D. C. Daly, H. Kuchmeister, D. Gomes da Silva,
L. Lima & E. Consuelo	23	Mar	1999
Supported by the National Science Foundation