Ixora salicifolia (Blume) DC.

á 11182. Ixora Bslioifolla Blm. lax ahrah *n ®oiat
woods aloag otro ama or rifare a* 2880 foot; ato» 2 to 1»
feot high, sparingly branehed, reourred eepeolallythe
alendar and lax tronohea; woat whitieh, greeniah »hite,
wlthont odor or tasto» atoa 1 ineh thiek, taróteí tari
ftark brown, roughened with aaall lontiaals j taiga groen;
liaros doBoendiag, eorlaooone, of a rioh deep groen abofe
and groored along the mainroin, beneoth mooh pslor^groen, _
inflareseenoe oroot or aooonding, deop oardinal re
¿at. oderleoo, the pétala rotately apreadlng^bade grooniah,
*0ayut-di-mokád;"	fodaya, íaly, IMfgLTO