Ixora salicifolia (Blume) DC.

13627. Xxere »alleifeliaBl*. Suhereet undershrub
1»' a densely forestad steep ridge at 3000 feet or en • :
Oiwantanan mount, In dry Btt*** ««ir«*** **U aaong «ton«*;
?te® crooked, S yard» high, «he ois« of » *«**'• fìnge», :*
fe» branched toward «h# to», the greenish wood cowered
With emooth laterieius harki Branchee fee, Aort, crooked,
horisontal or descending! leare* coriae eoue, eoa titered
alone Hi* twigs, subpendant, eery dark green and oreased
along the »Idrih ahora*/ auch paler green beneath, the
aldrib whitish} terminal infiérese enee odorless,
all the stalks ruber.red, the e sgasate warping from minis-
tus to naher, oren the hud state ainletus, tube ine?
Cabadbaran, August, 1912.