Gomphostigma virgatum (L.f.) Baill.
Filed As
Gomphostigma virgatum (L.f.) Baill. -
NY Barcode: 05037849
Occurrence ID: f3bf6b63-2cf3-4be8-80f0-1921e5876452
All Determinations
Location Notes
NEW YÖM BOTANICAL GARDEN m EX NATIONAAL HERBARIUM NEDERLAND WAGENINGEN UNIVERSITY BRANCH (WAG) Collected by: A.J.M. Leeuwenberg no. 10919 d.d.: 26 February 1976 Scrophulariaceae Gomphostigma virgatum (L.f.) Baill. Det: A.J.M. Leeuwenberg 1976 SOUTH AFRICA, TRANSVAAL, Pretoria District, Pienaars River on left bank, just below Roodeplaatdam, NE of Pretoria. In river and on bank. 25°37' S, 28°22' E Alt: 1000m Shrubs, 0.50-1.20 m high with willow like, long overhanging virgate branches. With roots in water or mud. Bark smooth, pale greenish. Wood soft, whitish. Branches terete. Leaves pale green on both sides. Calyx pale green. Corolla, filaments and style white. Stigma and ovary pale yellow green. Anthers dark brown at z turning completely dark brown. Fruits dark brown. Associated materials: Spirit collection. 05037849
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Gomphostigma virgatum (L.f.) Baill.