Tapeinosperma capitatum (A.Gray) Mez

  • Filed As

    Tapeinosperma capitatum (A.Gray) Mez

  • Identifiers

    NY Barcode: 05025616

    Occurrence ID: 8720b838-a030-4406-bb9a-e292b5128063

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Tapeinosperma capitatum (A. Gray) Mez
Determined by A. C. Smith, HH 1972
F#w-branohed tree 6 t. high, 1a dense
forest. Hauwanga.
Viti Levu: Tholo North: Vicinity of Nandarivata, alt. 750-900 m.
Pacific cruise of the “Cheng Ho/' 1940-41, sponsored by Mrs. Anne Archbold
Collected in cooperation with the Arnold Arboretum of Harvard University
and the New York Botanical Garden