Myrsine punctata (H.Lév.) Wilbur
Filed As
Myrsine punctata (H.Lév.) Wilbur -
NY Barcode: 05025389
Occurrence ID: 42a31460-0110-4803-9e9a-fc43fa7ea348
All Determinations
Location Notes
L Bombs Force Dr. Rock [ To Flee Cold Yuimari j A [ Homesick, for ; cold .Yunnan aiidj restive under the enforced susrj pension of bis! botanical \ and an-.] thropological researches m Asia,] Dr. Joseph' F. Rock, U.„ S-. De- [partirient .o^.Agriciilinre repre- sentative 'who ' recently:, arrived on the Honolulu Clipper* is not. ex- actly the world’s most contferfH ed scientist these ^days.« „ bffl Fled Air Raids I Dr. Rock left his home in Kun- ming, ; the 6,000-foot-hikh capital' of Yunnan province, a year arid, a half ago. After two air '.raids? he . decided - he could no longer I risk exposure, of the lives of him- self and his, loyal staff, non ’ his I valuable scientific library, to Ja- panese bbrifbs. , 'f <• . He thereupon settled in Data$ I ip French7 Indo-China, but; the* French u%ericy fbrithe ©vacua* tion of white foreigners.; during, recent weeks,: coupled, with the increasingly restrictive pressure of “war conditions” in this area, again drovb hiim' forth ip seek elsewhere 'the. peace anal' soli- tude he, required , to consolidate I and prepare for pubjbeatitm his masses bf notes. Honolulu will serv© that purpose nicfely, he §#& Det: John J. Pipoly III 2006 FAIRCHILD TROPICAL BOTANIC GARDEN — W\cS»rve ^UtrvcVocVex (V\.\_6v.') >M\\Wr 12.Q0.H) NEW YORK BOTANjCAL GARDEN Herbarium (FTG5 .*<3 P?« >>So3 . « sS-S-do ZpoZtZ > £ OS o t / EX HERBARIUM OTTO DEGENEB ^(OMXAAj ~~fr <=}T Collected by OTTO DEGENEB t/UUCCliCU UJ V**V — (Many plants described in “Plants Haw. Nat.Park” <a $4.00 and in new c illustrated “Flora Hawailensis” <g> $3.60 by Otto Degener, ^onolulu^T. I ^.W tuiu MB Uwn ^ / 05025389
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Myrsine punctata (H.Lév.) Wilbur