Passiflora aurantia G.Forst.

Passiflora aurantia var. aurantia
G. Forst.
S. E. Krosnick	6	July 2006
The Ohio State University Herbarium (OS)
Revised foc pj0ra Malesiana
Passiflora aurantia- Forst.f.
var? aurantia
det. W. I J. O. DE WILDE
(Rijksherbarium, Leiden)	Jan .197 2
^^^Mants of Papua (British New Guinea) collected by the
1933 New Guinea Expedition of The American Museum of
Natural History, Mr. Richard Archbold, Leader.
Distributed by The New York Botanical Garden
No. 5415 L. J. Brass	Sept.-Nov.,	1933
Climbing over roadside bushes; alt #12541»* ;
uncommon; Ivs. grey-green underneath; la rgi
reddish fla#j fruit not seen#
j Mafulu, Central Division