Passiflora aurantia G.Forst.

Passiflora samoensis Exell, Jour. Bot 63 : 203, 1925.
„ ^lab^us» woody, tendril-bearing vine, Leaves alternate, broadly ovate or rounded-
or a e, ^ or tnb^e cm. long, palmately 3-lobed with rounded sinuses, the lobes cuspi-
ate, petioles up tor, 8 or more cm. long, with a pair of glands near the base Of the blade,
owers axillary, solitary, greenish to red or yellow, calyx and corolla segments linear,
gynophore about 2.5 cm. long, pedicel with 2 or 3 filiform appendages near the middle.
An attractive species seen occasionally in thickets (9701).
Passiflora aurantia var. aurantia
G. Forst.
PVlMfttotf to DPU Herbarium
hrT.o. Yunckw
i.e. YUNCKER 28249
Flora of Niue Island
Herbarium of Bernice P. Bishop Museum
Passiflora samoensis Exell
FIs. greenish-salmon red to yellowish
white at ends of petals. Climbing in
thicket near Mutalau village. 65 m.alt.
Cm*. T. G. Yuncker n * 17 » 1940 •