Brachystephanus mannii C.B.Clarke

  • Filed As

    Brachystephanus mannii C.B.Clarke

  • Collector(s)

    M. R. Cheek 10287, 10 Dec 1999

  • Location

    Cameroon. Division: Kupe-Muanenguba; Gazette: Ngombuku; Abang road and then right to forest.

  • Identifiers

    NY Barcode: 05043335

    Occurrence ID: 0a6aebd9-5d6b-4862-bd5a-a16d77625d5e

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  • Region


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  • Locality

    Division: Kupe-Muanenguba; Gazette: Ngombuku; Abang road and then right to forest

  • Elevation

    Alt. 850 m. (2789 ft.)

  • Coordinates

    4.9325, 9.7381

  • Location Notes


  • Distribution

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New dets to M, Cheek at RBG Kew and HNC BP 1601 Yaounde.

RBG Kew & Herbier National du Cameroun
support by Darwin Initiative & Earthwatch
Bro.d^slIpKcuvus mannii C. B. Cl.
D. Cb«jt\pluMir 6ft x 2003
Division:	Kupe-Muanenguba
Gazette:	Ngomboku
LongLat; 4.°55.57'N; 9.°44.lTE	Alt:	850m
Abang road flfii then right to forest.
Lowlandfeybmontane evergreen forest.
Herb 15-90cm tall. Flowers pale purple. 1-8 open per
inflorescence; calyx highly glandular-hairy.
Cheek M. 10287	10/Dec/1999
With: Ndile, Gosline, Ebong, Kahamela, Mina, Kamundi, Desalgn, Nana
Duplicates at: YA,K,WAG,MO,I) $CA, EA,CTH, CAS, Ni, C, tVK
Additional material: Photos