Oxalis lespedezioides G.Don

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IH-crmined by^2. ^gAOS'f ,	^	S	^
Missouri Botanical Garden
Madre de Dios
Road to Tambopata, N. of Puerto Maldonado,
forest edge, alt. 250 m.
Herb Q.5 m., flowers yellow
A. Gentry, J. Revilla, D.	21	April	1977
Alfaro C.p & D. Daly
(¡jpUec-ted under the auspices of the Flora of Peru project, a collaborative effort of the Missou
Botanical Garden and Field Museum of Natural Historv in conhmctinn	Z	«»e	Missou
National Mayor da San Marco, aod ,he to*««*
supported by the National Science Foundation. ,	reruana.	field	wo