Coussapoa villosa Poepp. & Endl.

  • Filed As

    Coussapoa villosa Poepp. & Endl.

  • Collector(s)

    D. C. Daly 10102 with H. Kuchmeister, D. Gomes da Silva, L. Lima & E. Consuelo, 26 Mar 1999

  • Location

    Brazil. Acre. Santa Rosa do Purus Mun. Alto Rio Purus, left bank, Seringal Refúgio, S of Igarapé Extrema de Baixo.

  • Habitat

    Primary forest on terra firme, mostly level terrain, deeply dissected by a few large streams. Guadua sarcocarpa beginning to dominate again in places approx. 12 years after dieback, canopy still open, as is much of understory.

  • Description

    Tree. Hemi-epiphyte, branches arching above crown of host tree, to 25 m high, branchlets hollow and inhabited by aggressive stinging ants. Inflorescences arching, white, infructescences maturing dull orange and soft. Phenology of specimen: Fruit, Fruit.

  • Identifiers

    NY Barcode: 573534

    Occurrence ID: b5e5d510-3087-40d7-bb40-b4995aee4c66

  • Feedback

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  • Region

    South America

  • Country


  • State/Province


  • County/Municipio

    Santa Rosa do Purus Mun.

  • Locality

    Alto Rio Purus, left bank, Seringal Refúgio, S of Igarapé Extrema de Baixo.

  • Coordinates

    -9.0858, -69.9861

  • Distribution

    Map all specimens of this taxon

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