Nertera granadensis var. granadensis
Filed As
Nertera granadensis var. granadensis -
NY Barcode: 05022588
Occurrence ID: 58d7efb7-6b05-4579-900f-d7551a18eece
All Determinations
Location Notes
* Um* simma MSaalm gartara daaresaa Banka and Soland ax < Gaertn. * (Chicken berry)* * Runner rooting at the nodes , forming dense patches in grass and near boulders near cliff below settlement « seen also up the mountain often with nume- rous little red berries* Alt. * 60 ft. 28/8/3? R.A.Dyer 3638 * Bonomi 1124; Kaytal 1801 In1 Herb• S*A• Mu©•. G.P.-S.7286—7/9/35—10,000. EX NATIONAL NASIONALe} HERBARIUM, PRETORIA. Nat. Herb. No..... Regio Lcl.CwJIa... [ZlgAXUa.-.luk y Anno^Ljf..*.iLr.rJl7 ... .......... AJSL--------- 05022588
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Nertera granadensis var. granadensis