Rinorea fasciculata Merr.

University of Illinois at Chicago
Rinorea fasciljftlata
Det. By;
Field Chari Tree 15 m tall, dbh 16 cmp
bark gray, at lower portion of trunk
flaking off, slash brown; fruits greet
Notes: 0.1 Ha plot study, tree #T-18.
Locality; Palawan; Municip. Puerto
Princesa, Irawan, Tatanarom at base oJ
Mt. Beaufort, Irawan River valley.
Habitat: Valley flebJf1 evergreen primary
forest at the foot of a slope along
Irawan River.
200 m, 9 51'N X 118°38'E
D.D. Soejarto, E. Reynoso, E. Sagcal, R.
Edrada 7035, March	1990
Collected under the sponsorship of; U.S.
National Cancer Institute, University of
Illinois at Chicago, Arnold Arboretum (Ha
vard University) , Field: Museum of Natural
History and Department of Botany, Nation«
Museum, Philippines.