Eurya sandwicensis A.Gray

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    Eurya sandwicensis A.Gray

OakEs Ames, A.M., Arnold Professor of Botany, Supervisor
Jobs George Jack, Assistant Professor of Dendrology
Alfred Rehder, A.M., Associate Professor of Dendrology,
Ural ! jP™ and Curator of the Herbarium
Joseph H, T^AExx^Ph.D^, Professor of Forest Pathology
Irving Widmer Bailey, S. D., Professor of Plant Anatomy
KaRl Sax, Ph.B.‘i Associate Professor of Cytology
Edgar Anderson, SbD«, Arborist
Ivan Murray Johnston, Ph.D., Research Associate
Professor Otto Degener,
F* Y, Botanical Gardens,
fc Bronx Park,
Few York, H. Y.
Clarence E.Kobuski, Ph.D.,Assistant Curator,Herbarium
Hugh M. Raup, Ph.D., Research Associate
Ethelyn Maria Tucker, Librarian
Ernest J. Palmer, Collector and Research Assistant
Susan Delano McKelvey, Research Assistant
Caroline K. Allen, Ph.D., Assistant in the Herbarium
Ethel Antoinette Anderson, Business Secretary
Louts Victor Schmitt, Superintendent
William Henry Judd, Propagator
Jamaica Plain, Massachusetts, U.S.A.
March 13, 1935.
^	Professor	Degeneri	.
The lurya material with drawings dame through in
| excellent condition. Buplicmte ¿pecimehs bf ail were taken
for the Arnold Aàrbère turn. The rema ièiff material has been fu-
;,';^Ìgatld and later in the fall will he jailed to you in Hawaii,
We appreciate this gift tootle Arhbretm very rnuGh.
K. 	Tè	date I have not had an opportunity to more than
^l^the material because we are very busy with our April number
Journal. ; However* before you leave Hew York I will probab-
ly have a chance1 to write you more about the material.
X notice, however, that two specimens have been given
the number 8676. The earliest in d.ate of collecting was made at
§Ahu by yourself and Dr. G* I». Shear on March 5, 1928. The second
tf f^cinlifolia collected at Molokai on May.10, 1928.	1 also
Noticed that all the number# are ià sequence* 8675, 8676,88764. 8678,
8679 and 8680. X wonder if one of the 8676 numbers was not meant
to be labeled 8677. Sometime later perhaps you can look this up.
dlhULUtAJL» ,
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Collected by OTTO DEGENER
’ by Otto Degener, Honolulu, T. H.)