Dillenia philippinensis Rolfe

  • Filed As

    Dillenia philippinensis Rolfe

  • Collector(s)

    A. D. E. Elmer 8927, Mar 1907

  • Location

    Philippines. Benguet. Luzon, Baguio.

  • Identifiers

    NY Barcode: 4978687

    Occurrence ID: 1a0c9db8-7c68-4032-a64f-c6dcb91811a5

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8927 Billenia Philippines*« Bolfe. Bound topped
*«<i widely fioreading trees on edged of swamps of the big
trees at Balete* a»*a brandies from the middle, the ultimate
branches many hilfdrooping. r«ry crooked and with brittle
Wood: bark emoothieh, gray and white mottled; learea coria-
oeous, aleo brittle, flat, dull dark green above, yellowish
bo beneath, radially spreading; flower* ersot, mostly ter-
minal, 1 to 3 upon rigid 6 inch long green stalks; sepals
light green, subreflexed when in anthesis. eooop shaped on
the upper surface; the 5 pure white delioate and deoiduous;
stamens numerous, ascendingly recurved, *with light ^Jfed streaks;
the upper oirdle of filaments (V) dark red; styleafcT} ra-
dially spreading. After fe^iUsatfaaJiMr oalyj a»teent-
ly closes up tightly and enlsKUVMfttb	th	of the
sour flsahy fruits;
190 7 *
det. R. D. Hoogland
Locality	BagGÎO
Province	BeBgUQ	t	Intend	tiUZOH
^atar%tnd date. yfJ2y	A. D. B. Elmer	Mar., 1907.