Dillenia ovalifolia Hoogland

Expeditie Nieuw Guinea 1954/1955
Coll.'P. van Royen No 34Q9- . d.d. 1J£ 4/1954
Fam. Dilleniaceae
Dillenia ovalIfolla Hoorl•
det.iR.P.Hocgland, Aug.1958
Loc. Neth.iJew Guinea, clistr.Sorong,
JWlaaoen hill east of Sorong,
alt. 80 q.
Hab. In primary forest on southeast
slope of the hill, crowing on
the orest and dominating there
Obs. Ireo, C.20 m,stem o.12 m, d.h.ht
e.50 or. Leeres dark green above,
light green below. Flowers pink.
Fruit dark red. Bark greyish
brown, flaking off in large
flakes, grooved, Wood hard,
brownish yellow, brown red In
the oet tre.
Vern. Name. krlwlk (Biak dlileot).
This specimen h presented on the condition that new identifi-
cations will be communicated to Rijksherbarium.