Ampelopsis glandulosa var. hancei (Planch.) Momiy.

  • Filed As

    Ampelopsis glandulosa var. hancei (Planch.) Momiy.

  • Identifiers

    NY Barcode: 4976589

    Occurrence ID: 5b4c15bb-095c-43ab-9342-f8f75cea1197

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Ampélopsis brevipedunculata (Maxim.) Tautv.
Taoyuan Hsien: 0.5 km below Junhua, between Kaopo and
Junhua at km 35 marker along Hwy 7. Secondary
broadleaf evergreen forest.
24° 45’ N, 121° 20* E
Vine hanging on cliff and growing up through
vegetation; fruit purplish blue, but first whitish
through aquamarine.
Elevation 500 m
W. L. Wagner 6643	24	September	1991
Botanical Inventory of Taiwan. Supported by the National Geographic Society,
Academia Sinica, Taiwan; National Taiwan University; and Taiwan Forestry
Research Institute. Principal participants: B. Bartholomew (CAS), C.M. Kuo
(TAI), T.G. Lammers (F), T.K Lowrey (UNM); R.C. Moran (MO), C.-I Peng
(HAST), and W.L. Wagner (US).