Zizyphus crebrivenosa C.B.Rob.

3.08X2, Zlzyphus arebrivenoea C. B. Rob. A
•prowling olimber over the top» of trees standing on a
marly praolplton» ridge near the Bararing river gorge
at 8000 feet} stems roung, branohed, 1 1/2 or more
inehes la thiohness; bark smooth, grayish, that on the
branohes browa and eovered with lentioels, red beneath
the epidermis' .wood rather hard, the thin sapwood,
whitish otheaarise reddish exoept the yellowish part
about the pith:	branehlets	reeurved, provided with flat
slightly reeurved spines; leaves ohartaceotua, semiluoid
sad deep green above, flat, strongly recurved from base
to tip, muoh paler beneath, the main nerves yellowish
beneath, the greenish short petiole provided with a
sharp hooked spina; fruit ereot, axillary, mostly from
tha terminal leaflet#, hard, greenish brown, roughened
with numerous ilghtor brown lentio<¿8 globose{ «I»ug."
Todays, Jane, 190»*	EOlERS