Impatiens stenosepala E.Pritz.

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    Impatiens stenosepala E.Pritz.

  • Identifiers

    NY Barcode: 4974205

    Occurrence ID: 83425e67-a609-4276-8f2c-7f170f510447

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1980 Sino>American Botanical Expedition
to Western Hubei Province
People’s Republic of China
Impatiens stenosepala Pritzel ex Diels
Shennongjia Forest District (31°3©'N; 110o30'E):
side canyon on the Mengjia River just N
of the bridge across the Mengjia River
N of Mucheng. Elevation ca. 1000 m.
On talus above^ stream in sunny location.
Plants 0.6-0.7 m tall. Flcwers lavender,
fading whitish to yellcw in the spur,
veins striped purple. Plants annual.
Growing with Impatiens pterosepala and
Impatiens dicentra. Flcwers visited
by bunble bees.
1980 Sino-Amer. Exped. No. 558	1	Septenber	1980
Participants: B. Bartholomew (uc); D. E. Boufford (cm); A. L.
Chang (kun); Z. Cheng (wuhan inst. bot.); T. R. Dudley
(na); S. A. He (nas); Y. X. Jin (wuhan inst. por.); O. Y. Li
(wh); J. L. Luteyn (ny); S. A. Spongberg (a); Y. C. Tang
(pe); J. X. Wan (wuhan inst. bot.); and T. S. Ying (pe).
Expedition conducted under the auspices of Academia Sinica & die
Botanical Society of America with funding by Academia Sinica &
support from the National Geographic Society.