Xerospermum noronhianum (Blume) Blume

  • Filed As

    Xerospermum noronhianum (Blume) Blume

  • Identifiers

    NY Barcode: 4973253

    Occurrence ID: 1b04fe6d-b4cc-448b-a757-1c6b4a7d7981

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Field Museum of Natural History
Xerospermum noronhianum Bl. s.l.,
October 17* 1990
University of Illinois at Chicago
Xerospermum noronhianum Bl. s.l*
Det. By: J.S. Burley# April 2, 1989
Field Char: Tree 20 m tall x 12 cm dbh.
Bark grey* tuberculate; underbark thin,
reddish-brown# buttressed to 50 cm.
Fruit (immature) glaucous.
Locality; Sumatra: Riau Province,
Tigapuluh Mts., 5 km W of Telanglakat on
Rengat-Jambi Rd., Bukit Karampal area.
Habitat: Primary forest, occasional,
ca. 100 m, 0°461S X 102 32'E
J.S. Burley et al. 1309, November 9, 1988
This is a voucher specimen for anticancer
and antiAIDS screening.
NCI Sample Number(s): Q6605174-L, Q6605175-M
Collected under the sponsorship of: U.S.
National Cancer Institute, University of
Illinois at Chicago, Arnold Arboretum (Har-
vard University), Field Museum of Natural
History and Herbarium Bogoriense/LIPI.