Cyperus sesquiflorus (Torr.) Mattf. & Kük.

  • Filed As

    Cyperus sesquiflorus (Torr.) Mattf. & Kük.

  • Identifiers

    NY Barcode: 04969538

    Occurrence ID: f8d39e70-9152-49a9-9bfa-41571d2b6acb

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Plants of LORETO, PERÙ
Cyperus	(lórre^)
A/ac^ oLOà.J3
MAYNAS: Mazàn, ExplorNapo Lodge vicinity, 0.25
mi E of Sucusari River, 0.9 air km N of Napo
River, ReNuPeru Ethnobotanical Garden
3.25867°S, 72.91493°W (GPS, datum: WGS 84).
Weed in li gh tly shaded, wet-mesìc, cultivated garden
bed, surrounded by rainforest; frequent
Robert F.C.Naczi 18464
Fiorella Chavez
18 July 2022