Guioa comesperma Radlk.

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    Guioa comesperma Radlk.

Flora of Papua New Guinea
Jimi-Ramu UNDP/DEC RAP Survey
11094A	Sapindaceae
Guioa comesperma Radik.
keys to genus on Adema and to species on van Welzen
Madang Province; Bismarck Range, ridge overlooking Camp 4;
GPS lat. 5 deg. 30.771’ x long. 144 deg. 50.646’; hill forest at
average altimeter elev. 600 m (GPS elev. 900 m).
exsiccatae	sequence 11093-11110;	treelet;	leaves spiral,
pinnate, to	about 6-jugate, firm,	adaxial	surface	dull medium
green, abaxially yellow-green and with sparse appressed hairs;
margins apically crenate; domatia sunken, usually not more than 2
per blade; inflorescence axillary, 15 cm+ rather long for the
species, thyrsoid, narrow, indumentum lax to glabrescent.
average result of 2 dissected flowers: perianth glabrous; sepals 5,
imbricate, concave, the outer one smaller than the inner
segments; petals 4, smaller and narrower than sepals; petal scales
6, densely villous; stamens 8, erect, glabrous except at the base
(hairs like the scales), inserted within the disk mainly to one side of
the ovary; disk hippocreppiform, fleshy, smooth and glabrous;
ovary positioned in the sinus, ovoid, sharply 3-alate, hirsute on
the angles.
coll.	W. Takeuchi 11094A
det.:	WT; 12/97