Allophylus rapensis F.Br.

National Tropical Botanical Garden
National Geographic Society, 2002 Rapa iti Expedition
Allophyllus rapensis F. Br.	Sapindaceae
French Polynesia, Austral Islands, Rapa. Mt. Motu, south
facing slope, above Iri Bay, Forest between Motu and
Pukutaketake, 660 ft el. 27°36.817T S, 144°22,500' W, along
Scattered trees, 4-7 m ht, w/ flowr and 1mm fruit ytf
Metrosideros,Freycinetia, Allophyllus, Myrsine, Meryta,
Nesoluma, Cyathea, Macropiper, Celtis, Psidium cattleianum.
Steve Perlman 18,001
w/ T. Motley & R. Fenstemacher
Apr. 3, 2002