Gomphandra papuana (Becc.) Sleumer

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    Gomphandra papuana (Becc.) Sleumer

  • Identifiers

    NY Barcode: 4950002

    Occurrence ID: 849debf8-ab67-4e89-b693-73bed681e44c

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Conservation International Lakekamu RAP survey
Papua New Guinea
Lae National Herbarium
Stemonuraceae Takeuchi & Kulang 11311
Gomphandra papuana (Becc.) Sleumer
Det. Melanie Schori (BHO)	2010
Examined for: A Systematic Revision of Gomphandra
11311	Icacinaceae
Gomphandra papuana (Becc.) Sleum.
Gulf Province; Lakekamu; east branch of the Avi Avi River; lowland
alluvial forest near c. 0.9 km mark on the Bulldog track from base
camp; elev. 350/E altimeter (105 m); colls, centered on coordinates
7° 44/E lat	x 146° 29.5/E long.
collection	sequence 11304-11329;	7	m	tree	with	divaricate
branching;	leaves distichous, subfleshy,	adaxial	surface	medium
green, abaxially yellow-green; calyx light green; petals 5, spreading,
Inear, fimbriate.
collection: W. Takeuchi & J. Kulang 11,311
det.:	WT; 7/97
coll date:	Oct. 17,1996