Microdesmis magallanensis (Elmer) Steenis
Filed As
Microdesmis magallanensis (Elmer) Steenis -
NY Barcode: 04821388
Occurrence ID: 2ee52aeb-5914-4bbe-b220-2fad750c8713
All Determinations
Location Notes
PHIU^PtNE ISLANÖg PLANTS DISTRIBUTED BY A. D. E. ELMER MAGALLANES (MT. GITING-GITING) , PROVMTCE OF £ ISLAND.OF SIBUYAN, APRIL, 1910 A<vfe. 6*r, Yuzrf / i+j f-icct^xurX* fyy\sQ. C^iSt^^scvrt^ifi^ r^yh.rf irtf o,.r NEW YORK BOTANICAL GARDEN 04821388 Itld*« Flaoourtia magallaaenee Sim. a* sp. Medium •lied tree ia wet stone grawelly sell «pea a weeded heat alone tbs Pauala rirer et I860 feet j «tea. 1 feet thiek, 8.6 feet high, branched from the Biddle; branches widely epreadiag freely rebranahed,.the twige rather elender; weed aoderately head, yellowish throughout, odorless aad tasteless, hark smooth brows; leaves coriaceous, ehiefly horisoatal, shiny aad rery deep green shews, ««eh lighter green benesth, flat bat tips recurred; young fruits ia small slusters from the leaf «tilla er frpa - the axils ef their sears, dark green, eubereet, 04821388
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Microdesmis magallanensis (Elmer) Steenis