Vicia cracca L.
Filed As
Vicia cracca L. -
NY Barcode: 4820399
Occurrence ID: e0d9f885-8cb3-4ab3-a929-4c53546103bd
All Determinations
Location Notes
[Northern Asia]
Ai tfZ I TCCD South Central SIBERIA Nh ^OOl (Region o£ LAKH BAIKAL) VICIA CRACCA L. Along path up steep (600m high), forested SE-facing escarpment of Primorski! Khrebet I“ Range) along Lake Baikal, ea. 1-3 km SSL off BUKHTA (= Bay) PESCHANAYA (« Sandy Bay), ca. 89 km NE of mouth of Angara River. 52^22% 1Q5"50»E Alt, ca« 48Q-970m a) Dry, sunny, secondary Pinus sylvestris— Larix sibirica forest (burned and cut ca. 50 years ago) with Cladonia spp. and open, or with dense Rhododendron dahuricum shrub layer, on gentle lower 'slopes. Alt. ca. 480-730m (1580-2400*) Mesic secondary Pinus sylvestris—Larix sibirica—Populus tremula forest succeeded by young Pinus sibirica, Abies sibirica, an^ Betula pendula, with Rhododendron dahuricum—Alnus understory, on steep midslopes. Alt. 670-880m (2200-2900*) #) Shaded Alnus—Populus streamsides with Saxifraga punctata, Aconitum czekanovskyi, Lonic&ra altaica, and ferns. Alt. ca. 760® (2500*) d) Pure stands of Populus tremula with occasional giant Larix and Pinus sylvestris, succession as in **b)n with Aconitum barbatum. A, septentrlonale (= excelsum, the two spp. introgressing?), Cimicifuga foetida. Alt. 760-910m (2500-3000*) e) Moist-mesic forest of Abies sibirica— Pinus sibirica—P. sylvestris—Larix sibirica—Populus tremula, on steepest upper slopes, with lush herbaceous cover of Lilium martagon, Aconitum (3 spp.), Cimicifuga, Cacalia hastata. Alt. 880-910 m f) Forested Ledum palustre—Sphagnum bog on flat top of escarpment in Abies—Pinus— Larix—Populus forest, with Bergenia crassifolia, Lycopodium annotinum, Mitella nuda, Trollius asiaticus. Alt. 970 m (3200 ft.) H. H. Iltis J. C. Coffey M. F. Denton 1» M. Krasnoborov 29 June 1979 ««,. Ill 4th field expedition conducted to the U.S.S.R. under the USA/USS Cooperative Agreement in the Protection of the Environment, Project fV.I - Protection of Native Species of Flora. Sponsored by thè Cary Arboretum of the New York Botanical Garden. 04820399
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Vicia cracca L.