Tephrosia purpurea (L.) Pers.

Field Museum of Natural History
A.M. Huq, et al. 10568
Tephrosia purpurea (L.) Pers.
DET. A.M. Huq, 9/20/1999
University of Illinois at Chicago
Tephrosia purpurea (L.) Pers.
Det. By: A. M. Huq, May 17, 1999
Field Char: Shrub c. 2.5 ft tall, laxly branched, flowers
Locality: Bangladesh: Chittagong, Cox's Bazar District,
Cox's Bazar sand dune area.
Habitat: Sand dune vegetation.
5*10 m, 21°25' "E x 91°08' *E
A. M. Huq & M. K. Mia 10568, May 17, 1999
This is a voucher specimen for pharmacological screening.
NCI Sample Number(s): 0GHA0882-U , OGHA0883-V.
Collected under the sponsorship of: U.S. National Cancer Institute,
University of Illinois at Chicago, Field Museum of Natural History
and Bangladesh National Herbarium (DACB).
Please notify Field Museum Herbarium of any new determination of this
collection, specifying that it is a University of Illinois at Chicago voucher.